So our story goes...
I took our little girl to the doctor to get an answer to a diaper rash that we were having a hard time getting rid of and the answer we received was that she was allergic to the elastic in disposable diapers. Our doctor suggested cloth diapers, pull-ups or potty training. Because I really don't think she is ready at all for potty training and the cost of pull-ups is so high, I began to look into cloth diapers. I was surprised, I didn't know very much at all about them and was also surprised that what I was learning, I liked! They now have snaps or velcro instead of giant safety-pins, there are so many styles, brands, colors and websites to choose from. By the help of a friend I found a website called I found a few helpful videos and of the other ones I had been looking at I really liked this price as well. I decided to give it a trial run and ordered 4 cloth diapers from this site. After using them for about 2 to 3 days her rash was gone! (: I was also finding out it wasn't near as hard as I thought it would be. The rinsing and washing is an everyday thing but its really not that bad. After using them for about 5 days I decided to order a few more so I wouldn't have to do laundry every day. Yesterday I received my new order so I'm excited to try them out! I still need to get a diaper pail but I did get a wet bag and eventually I would like to make my own baby wipes but for now I'm still using the ones I already had when I was using disposable diapers. I also ordered diaper liners to make rinsing easier but have only used them for one day so I'm not sure how I'm going to like them yet.
I still feel like I'm learning a lot with the whole experience but so far I am very pleased! I'm excited to be saving about $20 to $35 a month on disposable. (:
I'll keep you posted on how it's going in a few weeks with my new adventure in cloth diapers!!! (:
Great! Keep me posted on how it goes!
those diapers are so cute!! I am glad her rash is gone :)
p.s - we totally used our pink diapers on sweet pea...he rocks the color pink ;)
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