Monday, July 4, 2011

a little catching up

So, yes....3 kids most certainly takes up more of my time then 2 kids....much, much more time. I have wanted to sit down and post something on my blog so many times but honestly holding my sweet newborn baby just seemed more appealing to me at the time. When I haven't been holding, feeding, changing, bathing, dressing or in any way taking care of our baby I've been doing laundry, dishes, putting toys away, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the 2 oldest ones and their daddy ect.... You know how it goes!! (:
I'm very in-love with my life as it is right now, the Lord has been SO GOOD to me!
I have a few minutes right now so I'm going to try to put up a few pictures...facebook just seems to be a little more faster and easier these days but I still really enjoy my blog so here goes.

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