Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This new thing called a blog....

I've been following a few blogs for a while now and always enjoy looking at and reading them but was afraid I would never have the time to keep up with one myself. Well, I decided to try so here we go....
So far I've been having a ton of fun 'playing' with my blog. I actually couldn't go to sleep last night thinking of all the fun stuff I had added and still want to add. I feel a little like I'm doing a scrapbook but in a new kind of way! I'm anxious to see what everyone thinks of my blog but I want to wait a week or so to see if I really have the time and all to keep-up with it. hopefully I will. (:
I'm a little unsure of what I will post as time goes on. I'm a stay-at-home mom and honestly I don't really go and do a whole lot. We really do stay home alot of the time and our lives are not overly exciting or busy.
Right now I am babysitting out of my home to make a little extra money here and there and it really has been fun for me. I enjoy watching my kids play and have fun with other kids. Its not always perfect and wonderful and like all kids they do not always get along but I think I would worry if it was perfect.
We really enjoy getting together with our families every week. We go to Titus' parents house once a week for dinner and to visit with everyone (Titus' two brothers, sister-in-law, nieces and parents). Our kids LOVE to play with their cousins and we really enjoy getting to be together for a few hours.
With my family its always different when we get to see them. We try to get together with any and all of my brothers and sisters whenever we can. We see some at church every Sunday and others live in other states so it's not as often but we LOVE when they come visit or we can go visit them.
Friends are always welcome at our house and we always look forward to visiting!

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

watch out it gets addicting! :)