Monday, September 20, 2010

Big girl bed!!!

A milestone has been reached in our house today! Our little girl was promoted to her big girl bed!!!! Actually its still her crib but with a different toddler bed side to it. I put the new side on shortly before nap time and excitedly showed her her new bed! Right before nap time, as I changed her diaper, I gave her the instructions for how to sleep and not get out of bed until she had taken her nap. After that she crawled into bed and I tucked her in and closed the door. Thankfully she never got out of bed and took a nice 2 hour nap for her mother. I was a afraid she might fall out so I kept checking to make sure but she did GREAT!!! Hope it stays this easy! (:

First time seeing it!
Yay, she likes it!
Snoozing in the new bed for the first time!!

Now if potty training will go this smooth then I will be one lucky mommy!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay!! Nice accomplishment - for both of you!
I have a body pillow that I used to lay on the floor beside the bed sometimes, just in case! Lindsey has never fallen out while sleeping, only while not paying attention playing! (She's in a queen, our old one, so I put pillows under the blanket/sheet on two sides and large pool noodles on the other two - next to the walls. A small pool noodle might fit under the sheet on the toddler bed if you're worried.)